International Standard
ISO/DIS 11843-6
Capability of detection — Part 6: Methodology for the determination of the critical value and the minimum detectable value in Poisson distributed measurements by normal approximations
Reference number
ISO/DIS 11843-6
Edition 3
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 11843-6
Indisponible en français
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.
Remplacera ISO 11843-6:2019

ISO/DIS 11843-6

ISO/DIS 11843-6
CHF 65
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This document presents methods for determining the critical value of the response variable and the minimum detectable value in Poisson distribution measurements. It is applicable when variations in both the background noise and the signal are describable by the Poisson distribution. The conventional approximation is used to approximate the Poisson distribution by the normal distribution consistent with ISO 11843‑3 and ISO 11843‑4.

The accuracy of the normal approximation as compared to the exact Poisson distribution is discussed in Annex C.

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