International Standard
ISO/DIS 20525
Tourism and related services — Semantics applied to tourism destinations
Reference number
ISO/DIS 20525
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 20525
Indisponible en français
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.

ISO/DIS 20525

ISO/DIS 20525
CHF 65
Convertir les francs suisses (CHF) dans une autre devise


This standard defines a semantics base that allows representing relevant information related to tourist destinations (tourist destination, tourist resources and services within the destination, travel experiences), ensuring -through its use- the interoperability of municipal, territorial and country tourist platforms with third-party developments. This standard provides the tourist activity with semantic data structures that benefit the whole value chain, from content developers to destinations managers and final users (i.e. tourists) facilitating the access to the relevant information in an intuitive and agile way.

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    : Mise au vote du DIS: 12 semaines [40.20]
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  • ISO/TC 228
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