ISO/PRF 17438-5
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Navigation intérieure pour les stations ITS personnelles et de véhicules — Partie 5: Exigences et spécification de message pour le positionnement basé sur la station ITS centrale (C-ITS-S)
Numéro de référence
ISO/PRF 17438-5
Edition 1
ISO/PRF 17438-5
Projet au stade approbation.


Scope of the proposed deliverable. This document defines requirements and message specifications for central ITS station (C-ITS-S) based positioning. This document defines: a) use-cases and requirements for central ITS station (C-ITS-S) based positioning b) message specifications for central ITS station (C-ITS-S) based positioning regarding with the defined use-cases and requirements. - The specifications include the data model and encoding of messages between personal/vehicle ITS stations(P/V-ITS-S) and the central ITS station (C-ITS-S) for the central ITS station(C-ITS-S) based positioning - The data model and encodings based on the defined message specifications include schema, data type, codelists and so on. c) Also, some informative annexes for better understanding of the scope and contents of the document.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Texte final reçu ou FDIS enregistré pour approbation formelle [50.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 204
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