Case studies from the ISO project to increase use and uptake of ISO 26000 in the SR MENA region.

Applying ISO 26000 on social responsibility
The project contributed to achieving sustainable development through effective integration of social responsibility principles and practices (ISO 26000) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. A series of practical case studies on organizations applying ISO 26000 has been developed as part of the four-year SR MENA project.
Beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia
Donor: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
This impact study has been developed to better understand the results of the SR MENA Project
Help your organization to operate in a socially responsible way with this standard.
Applying good standardization practices to help ISO members better serve the standardization needs of their countries.
Identify and prioritize the needs of your country that can be addressed through standardization.
Enhancing the collaboration between standardizers and policy makers in support of good regulatory practices.
Efficient participation of developing countries in international standardization enables a better integration in the global market.
Applying ISO standards reduces technical barriers to trade and increases developing countries’ trade opportunities.
Promoting and disseminating clean cooking standards by working in synergy with key partners.
The institutional capacity of national standards bodies in the Middle East and North Africa was strengthened and the use of sustainable development standards promoted.
Applying ISO 26000 on social responsibility in the MENA region contributed to sustainable development.