Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro

CODINORM is a non-profit public interest association. It was jointly established by the private sector and the State on 24 September 1992. It is managed by a Board of 23 members, 14 of which are from the private sector and nine from the State. CODINORM is the national standards and certification body entrusted with the following tasks:

  • the development, registration and dissemination of Côte d'Ivoire standards;
  • the management of a national product certification and quality management system (ISO 9000 series);
  • the promotion of quality management in companies;
  • the management of a technical documentation collection and of a bookstore for standards and quality-related works;
  • the management of the national WTO enquiry point on standards and regulations;
  • the representation of Côte d'Ivoire in international standardization bodies.

The association, which at 31 December 2008 includes 126 member companies, operates under the Ministry in charge of industry.

Côte d'Ivoire Normalisation

Cocody 2 plateaux rue K 115 villa 195 (repère sococe 2 plateaux)
Boulevard des Martyrs
Côte d'Ivoire

Tel.: +225 20 01 10 74 / +225 22 41 17 91
Fax: +225 22 41 52 97
Correo electrónico:

Participación de TC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador

Participación de PDC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador