Standards ensure precision, quality, and consistency in welding, setting benchmarks for materials, techniques, and operator qualifications to ensure safety and reliability across industries.


Garantía de calidad: un ingrediente crítico para el éxito organizativo

La confianza mueve el mundo. Sin ella, las democracias se desmoronan y las relaciones se resienten. Lo mismo ocurre con las organizaciones y las empresas: sin la confianza de su cartera de cliente, sencillamente no pueden tener éxito.

 Woman wearing swimming goggles, swimming in a pool.

Por Clare Naden el

Setting your sights high

New standards address the latest trends and technologies in eye protection use.

Worker welding.

Por Clare Naden el

International standard for welding symbols now updated

Welding symbols are a necessary element of engineering, providing a common language for all involved in fabrication, from designers to the shop floor. 

Top standards

Welding for aerospace applications — Qualification test for welders and welding operators — Fusion welding of metallic components

Welding — General tolerances for welded constructions — Dimensions for lengths and angles, shape and position

Welding and allied processes — Symbolic representation on drawings — Welded joints

Welding, brazing, soldering and cutting — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers

Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials
Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements

Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections