ISO 13802:2015 specifies frequency and methods for the verification of pendulum impact-testing machines used for the Charpy impact test, Izod impact test, and tensile impact test described in ISO 179‑1, ISO 180, and ISO 8256, respectively. Verification of instrumented impact machines is covered insofar as the geometrical and physical properties of instrumented machines are identical to non instrumented machines. The force/work verification of instrumented machines is not covered in this International Standard.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2015-06
Corrected version (en): 2016-03
Corrected version (fr): 2016-03Stage: International Standard to be revised [90.92] -
Edition: 2Number of pages: 33
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 61/SC 2ICS :83.200
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Next version under development

International StandardISO/DIS 13802
Plastics — Verification of pendulum impact-testing machines — Charpy, Izod and tensile impact-testing
Reference number
ISO/DIS 13802
ISO/DIS 13802
Edition 1
© ISO 2025
Draft International Standard
ISO/DIS 13802
Plastics — Verification of pendulum impact-testing machines — Charpy, Izod and tensile impact-testing
Life cycle
WithdrawnISO 13802:1999
WithdrawnISO 13802:1999/Cor 1:2000
Will be replaced by
Under developmentISO/DIS 13802