ISO 8642:2008 specifies test methods for metric self-locking nuts with MJ threads intended for use in aerospace construction at maximum operating temperature greater than 425 °C. It describes the test device and the method for each test.
ISO 8642:2008 applies to self-locking nuts as defined above, provided that the relevant documents (dimensional standard, drawing, procurement specification, etc.) refer to this International Standard.
Other test devices or test methods than those specified in ISO 8642:2008 may be used, but, in the event of a dispute, the requirements laid down in this International Standard shall take precedence.
ISO 8642:2008 shall be used in conjunction with ISO 8641.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2008-09Stage: International Standard to be revised [90.92]
Edition: 2Number of pages: 20
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 20/SC 4ICS :49.030.30
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO 8642:1986
Will be replaced by
Under developmentISO/FDIS 8642