ISO 7617-2:2003 specifies requirements for coated fabrics for upholstered furniture, manufactured by applying to one side of a woven cloth a substantially continuous coating of a suitably plasticized polymer of vinyl chloride, or a copolymer the major constituent of which is vinyl chloride. Such coatings are known as poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) coatings. The present specification covers two grades (A and B) of PVC-coated woven fabric.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2003-08Stage: International Standard to be revised [90.92]
Edition: 3Number of pages: 8
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 45/SC 4
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO 7617-2:1994
Will be replaced by
Under developmentISO/DIS 7617-2