International standards enable a safe and sustainable management of water resources, safeguarding public health and ecosystems. They provide businesses with tools for measuring and optimizing water use and wastewater treatment. The practical solutions and best practices outlined in these standards facilitate equitable sharing of this precious resource, even across national borders.


The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.
Smart farming: the transformative potential of data-driven agriculture
Smart farming and precision agriculture leverage technologies like agricultural drones, robotics, IoT sensors, GPS and farm management information systems to improve production efficiency.
The benefits of implementing an environmental management system for your business

Prioritizing environmental sustainability isn’t just a trend: it’s a vital strategy for securing the health and prosperity of an organization for years to come. Balancing growth with environmental stewardship is more important than ever.

Sample standards

Water quality — Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and quantification of microorganisms and viruses — General requirements, quality assurance and validation

Water quality — Analysis of microplastic in water
Part 3: Thermo-analytical methods for waters with low content of suspended solids including drinking water

Water quality — Analysis of microplastic in water
Part 2: Vibrational spectroscopy methods for waters with low content of suspended solids including drinking water

Water quality — Enumeration of culturable microorganisms — Colony count by spread plate inoculation on R2A medium

Water quality — Determination of selected estrogens in whole water samples — Method using solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by liquid chromatography (LC) or gas chromatography (GC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) detection

Marine technology — Seawater desalination — Vocabulary