Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, still make up a large part of the global energy mix. ISO standards for fossil fuels ensure their extraction, processing, and combustion are conducted in ways that enhance safety and efficiency, while striving to reduce environmental footprints through improved emission controls and technological innovations.


Carbon footprint: Measuring and reducing our environmental impact

Companies are increasingly becoming aware of their carbon footprint and its intrinsic link to energy use. But exactly what is a carbon footprint, and how can renewable energy reshape the business landscape?

The greenhouse effect: Counting gases and why it matters

It’s easy to have mixed feelings about carbon. On the one hand, it’s the foundation for life on Earth. On the other, it’s linked to climate change.

The benefits of implementing an environmental management system for your business

Prioritizing environmental sustainability isn’t just a trend: it’s a vital strategy for securing the health and prosperity of an organization for years to come. Balancing growth with environmental stewardship is more important than ever.

Sample standards

Natural gas — Correlation between odorant concentration in air and odour intensity

Natural gas — Determination of sulfur compounds — Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by UV absorption method

Natural gas — Odorization

Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Well integrity — Life cycle governance

Guidance on performing risk assessment in the design of onshore LNG installations including the ship/shore interface

Oil and gas industries including low carbon energy — Pipeline transportation systems — Pipeline geohazard monitoring processes, systems and technologies