Проект комитета
ISO/CD TS 25055
Compatibility policy for ISO 16739-1 revisions
Ссылочный номер
ISO/CD TS 25055
Версия 1
Проект комитета
ISO/CD TS 25055
Проект данного международного стандарта рассматривается комитетом.


This project aims at defining and formalizing the compatibility policy of EN ISO 16739-1 revisions through a consensus between ISO experts and liaison organizations representatives (including buildingSMART International and Small Business Standards). It may also develop tools such as decision trees, or check lists to help evaluate the compatibility of a new revision with previous ones. This document will not formulate requirements, but may provide recommendations. It may also ask ISO TC 59/SC 13/JWG 12 and buildingSMART International some evolutions of their agreement, in order to facilitate the implementation of its recommendations.

Общая информация

  •  : В стадии разработки
    : Начало изучения проекта комитета [30.20]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 59/SC 13
  • RSS обновления

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