ISO standards ensure safety, efficiency, and sustainability across the whole energy sector. Standards facilitate the integration of novel energy solutions into the broader market, ensuring they contribute effectively to global energy diversification.

Ценная информация

Embracing nature: Climate change solutions for a healthy future

Climate change is already being felt around the world in a variety of ways. Nature-based solutions are an important piece of the puzzle for reversing the process. 

Будущее защиты прав потребителей уже наступило

От устойчивости до уязвимости - мы боремся за защиту наших семей, друзей и соседей. Наши голоса будут услышаны, если мы будем работать вместе.

Aerial view of larges bales of crushed plastic bottles ready for recycling.


Только что были опубликованы новые стандарты для твердого восстановленного топлива.

Наиболее популярные стандарты

Method for the assessment of the degree of pigment or carbon black dispersion in polyolefin pipes, fittings and compounds

Methanol as a fuel for marine applications — General requirements and specifications

Products from petroleum, synthetic and renewable sources — Fuels (class F) — Specifications of marine fuels

Light and lighting — Lighting of work places
Part 1: Indoor

Coal and coke — Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen — Instrumental method

Hard coal and coke — Determination of volatile matter