Certifying to an energy management system

Requirements for certification bodies now updated.

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Certifying to an energy management system (EnMS) is an important step in achieving an organization’s environmental performance as it demonstrates to stakeholders that there is true improvement in energy use and efficiency. Yet the certification process must be consistent and competent to have any value, which is why the standard for auditors who conduct this work has just been updated.

An energy management system enables organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary to continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption.

ISO 50003, Energy management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems, is designed to assist audit and certification bodies by providing the requirements to ensure competence, consistency and impartiality in the auditing and certification process.

Intended to be used with ISO/IEC 17021, a set of requirements that enables certification bodies to undertake the certification of management systems, it provides the additional energy-based requirements for the audit planning process, and aims to ensure that the people conducting the audit have the right skills.

The standard has recently been updated to align with the harmonized approach used for all ISO management systems, with improvements including the clarification of audit day calculations, the application of requirements to multi-site organizations, and technical competency for those associated with EnMS audits.

ISO 50003 is just one of many standards in ISO’s energy management system series designed to complement and support ISO 50001, Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.

Others include:

ISO 50004, Energy management systems – Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an ISO 50001 energy management system

ISO 50005, Energy management systems – Guidelines for a phased implementation (in development)

ISO 50006Energy management systems – Evaluating energy performance using energy baselines and energy performance indicators (under revision)

ISO 50009, Energy management systems – Guidance for implementing a common energy management system in multiple organizations

ISO 50011, Energy management system – Measurement of energy management progress (in development)

ISO 50015, Energy management systems – Measurement and verification of energy performance of organizations – General principles and guidance

All of these standards were, or are being, developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 301, Energy management and energy savings, whose secretariat is held by ANSI, ISO’s member for the USA. They can be purchased from your national ISO member or the ISO Store.

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