The Seychelles Bureau of Standards (SBS) was established as a government regulatory agency with the enactment of the SBS Act, 1987. The Bureau is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister responsible for National Development, who receives nominations of the members from various technical ministries and private sectors as stipulated in the SBS Act. The SBS was certified to ISO 9002 in December 1996 and to ISO 9001: 2000 in December 2002.
The functions of SBS are laid out in the SBS Act, 1987, SBS (Amendment) Act 1995, SBS (Amendment) Act 1997, Weights and Measures Act/Regulations, SBS (Standard Mark) Regulations, and SBS (National Quality System Certification Scheme) Regulations. These functions are summarized below:
- to develop, declare and promote Seychelles Standards for products, processes and practices that are needed for use in all sectors of the economy, and also for the protection of the environment;
- to develop capabilities and maintain facilities for the provision of inspection and testing services for determining conformance to standards and regulatory requirements;
- to provide for the use of the SBS Mark;
- to maintain national physical standards which are necessary to provide traceability in measurements;
- to provide scientific and industrial metrology services for the calibration of instruments to ensure accuracy in measurement;
- to provide legal metrology services for the inspection, verification and approval of weighing and measuring instruments that are used in trade and commerce;
- to provide system certification services;
- to prepare, implement and execute programmes in the areas of industry, science and technology;
- to maintain a national information centre on matters of standardization, industry, science and technology.
The functions of SBS are laid out in the SBS Act, 1987, SBS (Amendment) Act 1995, SBS (Amendment) Act 1997, Weights and Measures Act/Regulations, SBS (Standard Mark) Regulations, and SBS (National Quality System Certification Scheme) Regulations. These functions are summarized below:
- to develop, declare and promote Seychelles Standards for products, processes and practices that are needed for use in all sectors of the economy, and also for the protection of the environment;
- to develop capabilities and maintain facilities for the provision of inspection and testing services for determining conformance to standards and regulatory requirements;
- to provide for the use of the SBS Mark;
- to maintain national physical standards which are necessary to provide traceability in measurements;
- to provide scientific and industrial metrology services for the calibration of instruments to ensure accuracy in measurement;
- to provide legal metrology services for the inspection, verification and approval of weighing and measuring instruments that are used in trade and commerce;
- to provide system certification services;
- to prepare, implement and execute programmes in the areas of industry, science and technology;
- to maintain a national information centre on matters of standardization, industry, science and technology.
Seychelles Bureau of Standards
Providence Industrial Estate
Tel: +248 438 04 00
Fax: +248 437 38 26
TC Participation
Observing Member
PDC Participation
Observing Member