Radiation measurements, see 17.240
Filter :
Standard and/or project Stage TC
Basic ionizing radiation symbol
90.93 ISO/TC 85
Sealed radioactive sources — General
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Personal photographic dosemeters
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Personal photographic dosemeters
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Direct-reading electroscope-type pocket exposure meters
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Indirect-reading capacitor-type pocket exposure meters and accessory electrometers
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Radioactive materials — Packagings — Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
General principles for sampling airborne radioactive materials
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Sealed radioactive sources — Classification
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Radiation protection — Sealed radioactive sources — General requirements and classification
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Sealed radioactive sources — General requirements and classification
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Unsealed radioactive substances — Identification and certification
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Unsealed radioactive substances — Identification and documentation
90.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Exposure meters and dosimeters — General methods for testing
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Sealed radioactive sources — Leak test methods
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Long-term leach testing of solidified radioactive waste forms
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Standard method for testing the long term alpha irradiation stability of solidified high-level radioactive waste forms
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Nuclear energy — Standard method for testing the long-term alpha irradiation stability of matrices for solidification of high-level radioactive waste
90.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Radionuclide gauges — Gauges designed for permanent installation
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation — Lead shielding units for 50 mm and 100 mm thick walls
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Evaluation of surface contamination — Part 1: Beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater than 0,15 MeV) and alpha-emitters
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity — Measurement and evaluation of surface contamination — Part 1: General principles
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Evaluation of surface contamination — Part 2: Tritium surface contamination
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity - Measurement and evaluation of surface contamination — Part 2: Test method using wipe-test samples
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Evaluation of surface contamination — Part 3: Isomeric transition and electron capture emitters, low energy beta-emitters (E bêtamax less than 0,15 MeV)
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity — Measurement and evaluation of surface contamination — Part 3: Apparatus calibration
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Clothing for protection against radioactive contamination — Design, selection, testing and use
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surfaces — Method for testing and assessing the ease of decontamination
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity — Gamma ray and beta emitting radionuclides — Test method to assess the ease of decontamination of surface materials
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity — Gamma ray and beta emitting radionuclides — Test method to assess the ease of decontamination of surface materials
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surfaces — Testing of decontamination agents for textiles
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surfaces — Testing of decontamination agents for textiles
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation — Lead shielding units for 150 mm, 200 mm and 250 mm thick walls — Part 1: Chevron units of 150 mm and 200 mm thickness
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Water quality — Measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water — Thick source method
95.99 ISO/TC 147
Water quality — Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water
95.99 ISO/TC 147
Water quality — Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water — Thick source method
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Gross beta activity in non-saline water — Test method using thick source
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Gross beta activity — Test method using thick source
90.92 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Determination of tritium activity concentration — Liquid scintillation counting method
95.99 ISO/TC 147
Water quality — Determination of tritium activity concentration — Liquid scintillation counting method
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Tritium — Test method using liquid scintillation counting
90.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Radiation protection — Sealed radioactive sources — Leakage test methods
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Sealed sources — Leakage test methods
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Containment enclosures — Part 1: Design principles
90.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Containment enclosures — Part 2: Classification according to leak tightness and associated checking methods
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Water quality — Determination of the activity concentration of radionuclides by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry
95.99 ISO/TC 147
Water quality — Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activity in non-saline water — Thin source deposit method
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Gross alpha and gross beta activity — Test method using thin source deposit
90.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Activity measurements of solid materials considered for recycling, re-use or disposal as non-radioactive waste
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Components for containment enclosures — Part 1: Glove/bag ports, bungs for glove/bag ports, enclosure rings and interchangeable units
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Components for containment enclosures — Part 2: Gloves, welded bags, gaiters for remote - handling tongs and for manipulators
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Components for containment enclosures — Part 3: Transfer systems such as plain doors, airlock chambers, double door transfer systems, leaktight connections for waste drums
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Components for containment enclosures — Part 4: Ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Components for containment enclosures — Part 5: Penetrations for electrical and fluid circuits
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
X and gamma radiation — Indirect- or direct- reading capacitor-type pocket dosemeters
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Nuclear energy — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terminology
60.60 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 2: Radiological protection
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 2: Radiological protection
60.60 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 3: Nuclear fuel cycle
95.99 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 3: Nuclear installations, processes and technologies
60.60 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 4: Dosimetry for radiation processing
90.93 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 5: Nuclear reactors
90.92 ISO/TC 85
Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection — Vocabulary — Part 6: Nuclear medicine
60.60 ISO/TC 85
Radiation protection — Performance criteria for radiobioassay — Part 1: General principles
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Nuclear energy — Radiation protection — Individual thermoluminescence dosemeters for extremities and eyes
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 5
Water quality — Radon-222 — Part 1: General principles
90.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Radon-222 — Part 2: Test method using gamma-ray spectrometry
90.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Radon-222 — Part 3: Test method using emanometry
90.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Radon-222 — Part 4: Test method using two-phase liquid scintillation counting
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Radon-222 — Part 4: Test method using two-phase liquid scintillation counting
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Radium-226 — Part 4: Test method using alpha spectrometry
40.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Uranium isotopes — Test method using alpha-spectrometry
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Uranium isotopes — Test method using alpha-spectrometry
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Plutonium, americium, curium and neptunium — Test method using alpha spectrometry
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Simultaneous determination of tritium and carbon 14 activities — Test method using liquid scintillation counting
95.99 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Water quality — Simultaneous determination of tritium and carbon 14 activities — Test method using liquid scintillation counting
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Radiological protection — Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation — Part 1: General principles
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation — Part 1: General principles
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation — Part 2: Ex vivo human tooth enamel dosimetry
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation of processors of personal dosemeters for X and gamma radiation
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation of dosimetry services
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation of dosimetry services for external radiation
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Neutron radiation protection shielding — Design principles and considerations for the choice of appropriate materials
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Neutron radiation protection shielding — Design principles and considerations for the choice of appropriate materials — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Nuclear facilities — Ventilation penetrations for shielded enclosures
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Nuclear facilities — Ventilation penetrations for shielded enclosures — Amendment 1
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Nuclear energy — Radiationprotection — Procedure for radiation protection monitoring in nuclear installations for external exposure to weakly penetrating radiation, especially to beta radiation
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extremities
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extremities
40.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Recommendations for dealing with discrepancies between personal dosimeter systems used in parallel
90.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Monitoring and internal dosimetry for staff members exposed to medical radionuclides as unsealed sources
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Surveillance of the activity concentrations of airborne radioactive substances in the workplace of nuclear facilities
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Monitoring radioactive gases in effluents from facilities producing positron emitting radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Medical electron accelerators — Requirements and recommendations for shielding design and evaluation
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Fusion installations — Criteria for the design and operation of confinement and ventilation systems of tritium fusion facilities and fusion fuel handling facilities
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Ventilation systems for nuclear facilities — In-situ efficiency test methods for iodine traps with solid sorbent — Part 1: General requirements
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Ventilation systems for nuclear facilities — In-situ efficiency test methods for iodine traps with solid sorbent — Part 2: Radioactive CH3I method
30.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Performance criteria for laboratories using the cytokinesis block micronucleus (CBMN) assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes for biological dosimetry
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Performance criteria for laboratories using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes for biological dosimetry
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 1: General requirements
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 1: General requirements
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote-handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 2: Mechanical master-slave manipulators
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 3: Electrical master-slave manipulators
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 4: Power manipulators
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Remote handling devices for radioactive materials — Part 5: Remote handling tongs
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation — Part 1: Photon radiation
30.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation — Part 1: Photon radiation
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement and prediction of the ambient dose equivalent from patients receiving iodine 131 administration after thyroid ablation — Part 1: During the hospitalization
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement and prediction of the ambient dose equivalent from patients receiving iodine 131 administration after thyroid ablation — Part 2: External effective dose of the caregivers after release from the hospital
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Iodine charcoal sorbents for nuclear facilities — Method for defining sorption capacity index
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Magnetic fusion facilities — Requirements for the safety systems raised by the application of the superconducting technology
40.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Performance criteria for service laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Performance criteria for service laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Performance criteria for service laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics — Dicentric assay
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Measurement for the clearance of waste contaminated with radioisotopes for medical application — Part 1: Measurement of radioactivity
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Measurement for the clearance of waste contaminated with radioisotopes for medical application — Part 2: Management of solid radioactive waste in nuclear medicine facilities
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Monitoring and dosimetry for internal exposures due to wound contamination with radionuclides
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity — Gamma-ray emitting radionuclides — Generic test method using gamma-ray spectrometry
90.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Guidelines for effective dose assessment using environmental monitoring data — Part 1: Planned and existing exposure situation
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Guidelines for effective dose assessment using environmental monitoring data — Part 2: Emergency exposure situation
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Performance criteria for laboratories using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) translocation assay for assessment of exposure to ionizing radiation
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material
90.92 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material
50.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosemetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 2: Characterization of instrument response
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 2: Characterization of instrument response
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 3: Measurements at aviation altitudes
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 3: Measurements at aviation altitudes
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft — Part 4: Validation of codes
90.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Water quality — Plutonium and neptunium — Test method using ICP-MS
90.92 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Radiation protection — Performance criteria for laboratories performing cytogenetic triage for assessment of mass casualties in radiological or nuclear emergencies — General principles and application to dicentric assay
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiation protection — Performance criteria for laboratories performing initial cytogenetic dose assessment of mass casualties in radiological or nuclear emergencies — General principles and application to dicentric assay
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Ionizing-radiation warning — Supplementary symbol
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Passive neutron dosimetry systems — Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Passive neutron dosimetry systems — Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Passive neutron dosimetry systems — Part 2: Methodology and criteria for the qualification of personal dosimetry systems in workplaces
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Passive personal neutron dosemeters — Performance and test requirements
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Passive personal neutron dosemeters — Performance and test requirements — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Water quality — Guidance for rapid radioactivity measurements in nuclear or radiological emergency situation
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Dosimetry with radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeters for dosimetry audit in MV X-ray radiotherapy
90.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Monitoring for inadvertent movement and illicit trafficking of radioactive material
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Monitoring for inadvertent movement and illicit trafficking of radioactive material
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Water quality — Radium 226 and Radium 228 — Test method using liquid scintillation counting
60.60 ISO/TC 147/SC 3
Evaluating the performance of continuous air monitors — Part 1: Air monitors based on accumulation sampling techniques
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Evaluating the performance of continuous air monitors — Part 2: Air monitors based on flow-through sampling techniques without accumulation
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Group-averaged neutron and gamma-ray cross sections for radiation protection and shielding calculations for nuclear reactors
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 6
Radiological protection — General requirements for proficiency tests for in vivo radiobioassay
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Development of a water equivalent phantom to measure the physical characteristics of specific radiosurgery treatment devices
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Content of input data for the statistical analysis of dose records of individuals monitored for occupational exposure to ionizing radiation
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Medical proton accelerators — Requirements and recommendations for shielding design and evaluation
40.20 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Radiological protection — Radiological monitoring for emergency workers and population following nuclear/radiological incidents — General principles
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Protective clothing — Personal protective ensembles for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents — Classification, performance requirements and test methods
50.98 ISO/TC 94/SC 14
Radiation protection — Dose assessment for the monitoring of workers for internal radiation exposure
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations in radiotherapy
95.99 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Clinical dosimetry — Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations in radiotherapy
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
95.99 CIE
Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
95.99 CIE
Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
60.60 CIE
Radiation protection — Performance criteria for radiobioassay
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Reference radiation fields for radiation protection — Definitions and fundamental concepts
90.93 ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Reference radiation fields for radiation protection — Definitions and fundamental concepts — Amendment 1: Reference point of personal dosemeters
60.60 ISO/TC 85/SC 2

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