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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 171/SC 1 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Microcopying — ISO No. 1 Mire — Description and use in photographic documentary reproduction
95.99 | |
Micrographics — ISO character and ISO test chart No. 1 — Description and use
95.99 | |
Microcopying — ISO Test chart No. 2 — Description and use in photographic documentary reproduction
95.99 | |
Micrographics — ISO resolution test chart No. 2 — Description and use
95.99 | |
Document management — Information classification, marking and handling — Part 1: Requirements
60.60 | |
Document management — Information classification, marking and handling — Part 2: Functional and technical requirements for ICMH solutions
50.20 | |
Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 10: Index — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Micrographics — First generation silver-gelatin microforms of source documents — Density specifications
95.99 | |
Micrographics — Diazo and vesicular films — Visual density — Specifications
95.99 | |
Micrographics — Alphanumeric computer output microforms — Quality control — Part 1: Characteristics of the test slide and test data
95.99 | |
Micrographics — Alphanumeric computer output microforms — Quality control — Part 2: Method
95.99 | |
Micrographics — Rotary camera systems — Test target for checking performance
95.99 | |
Document management applications — Archiving of electronic data — Computer output microform (COM) / Computer output laser disc (COLD)
95.99 | |
Document management applications — Archiving of electronic data — Computer output microform (COM)/Computer output laser disc (COLD)
90.93 | |
Electronic imaging — Recommendations for the expungement of information recorded on write-once optical media
90.93 | |
Electronic imaging — Media error monitoring and reporting techniques for verification of stored data on optical digital data disks
95.99 | |
Electronic document management — Vocabulary — Part 1: Electronic document imaging
90.93 | |
Electronic document management — Vocabulary — Part 2: Workflow management
90.20 | |
Electronic imaging — Vocabulary
95.99 | |
Electronic imaging — Test target for the black-and-white scanning of office documents — Part 1: Characteristics
90.93 | |
Electronic imaging — Test target for the black-and-white scanning of office documents — Part 2: Method of use
90.93 | |
Electronic imaging — Test target for the black-and-white scanning of office documents — Part 2: Method of use — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Electronic imaging — Test target for scanning of office documents — Part 3: Test target for use in lower resolution applications
90.93 | |
Electronic imaging — Recommendations for the management of electronic recording systems for the recording of documents that may be required as evidence, on WORM optical disk
90.93 | |
Electronic archiving — Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation
95.99 | |
Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
90.93 | |
Micrographics — Quality control of COM recorders that generate images using a single internal display system — Part 2: Method of use — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Document management — Electronically stored information — Requirements for trustworthiness and reliability
40.20 | |
Document management — Information stored electronically — Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability
95.99 | |
Document management — Electronically stored information — Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability
90.92 | |
Electronic archiving — Selection of digital storage media for long term preservation
60.60 | |
Document management — Environmental and work place safety regulations affecting microfilm processors
60.60 | |
Document management — Digital preservation — Analog recording to silver-gelatin microform
60.60 | |
Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information
90.93 | |
Document management — Minimum requirements for the storage of documents — Part 1: Capture
95.99 | |
Document management — Minimum requirements for the storage of documents — Part 2: Storage
95.99 | |
Document management — Minimum requirements for the storage of documents — Part 3: Disposal
95.99 | |
Document management — Minimum requirements for the storage of documents
60.60 | |
Document management — Monitoring and verification of information stored on 130 mm optical media
90.93 | |
Document management applications — Specification for a digital safe
50.00 | |
Document management applications — Quality control for scanning office documents in colour
90.93 |
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